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How to stop Tinnitus at Night

PUBLISHED: January 10, 2024
UPDATED: November 6, 2024
Lindsay Fletcher
Written by
Medically reviewed by
Lee Fletcher
main experiencing tinnitus at night
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The persistent ringing, clicking or pulsing noises associated with tinnitus can be distracting at the best of times. Many people find that continual noise is easier to drown out during the day by focusing on other things – but Tinnitus often becomes impossible to ignore at night or on a quiet evening. But how do you stop it?

ear whooshing sound

Sleep disturbances can exacerbate the impact of tinnitus and leave you feeling drained and fatigued. Over time, a lack of sleep can also contribute to more serious side effects and is sometimes linked to feelings of stress and depression.

Getting a proper night’s rest is essential, especially if your tinnitus is connected to an underlying health issue, where rest is key to recovery. In this article, we’ll share some tried-and-tested tips to support a consistent sleep pattern.

Are There Treatments for Tinnitus That Can stop Tinnitus at night?

Tinnitus is a broad-scope term, and people can be diagnosed with tinnitus for a wide range of reasons. The condition might be short or long-term, could be associated with an infection or medical issue, and can result in varied intensities of noise and sounds that each person may describe differently.

Having tinnitus thoroughly evaluated is important since an audiologist will pinpoint any causes that are responsible for the tinnitus or making the symptoms worse. They can then recommend a course of treatment or therapy based on an understanding of each person’s hearing loss and the contributing factors.

For example, if tinnitus is linked to an infection or a prescribed medication, there may be a fairly simple remedy that will relieve symptoms quickly. In other cases, we might formulate a bespoke care plan based on reducing the effects of tinnitus.

How Can I Stop Tinnitus at Night?

Our advice? Don’t settle for coping methods – remove your tinnitus with Regain Hearing. 

Lindsay FletcherRegain Hearing’s in-house tinnitus grading system incorporates the most advanced audiology techniques, enabling us to develop ground-breaking treatments that stop tinnitus in its tracks. Our solution doesn’t just mask the symptoms by playing music or sounds, it’s designed to completely reduce the symptoms altogether. Book your appointment here.

Of course, you’re likely reading this at night so whilst you wait for your appointment, there are lots of ways to help lessen the impact of tinnitus, creating an ideal environment for sleep and relaxation, making the sound less noticeable, and using techniques to distract your mind.

We’ve provided a more detailed list of treatments and options through our guide to Tinnitus, the NHS, and Innovative Treatments in the UK.

1. Sound Masking

Sound masking means using another noise to minimise the effects of tinnitus. The right options may depend on your preferences, but white noise machines, fans or playing ambient music quietly in the background may help.

Loud noises often make tinnitus worse, so it’s best to go for something gentle and conducive to sleep. There are special sleep sound machines you can use, or a simple playlist or gentle music playing from a speaker or app works well. Noises like falling rain or the waves on a beach are popular since they provide a consistent low-level sound that doesn’t prevent you from sleeping.

2. Healthy Sleep Hygiene

Establishing a regular routine is beneficial, providing your brain and body with the same cues each day that can help you relax and fall asleep faster. Taking a warm bath, avoiding too much screen time in the evening, or reading a good book can all be advantageous.

If your tinnitus is associated with inflammation or a blockage within your ear, you can also try elevating your pillow or adding an extra pillow to your bedding. By sleeping with your head at a slightly higher position, you may find that congestion is less noticeable overnight.

3. Stress-Reducing Exercises

Some people with tinnitus find that working on their anxiety can help them relax. They use meditation or other mindfulness activities to focus on other thoughts rather than concentrating on ringing or clicking noises. Other people prefer to try deep breathing, slowing their heart rate and attempting to get into as relaxed a state as possible before settling down for the night.

4. Dietary Adjustments

Avoiding stimulants like caffeine, alcohol or larger meals later in the evening is known to improve sleep quality. Many people also find that caffeine or sugar can exacerbate the sounds caused by tinnitus, making the noise seem louder.

Some people with chronic tinnitus benefit from support groups, where they can share their experiences and gain insights into supplementary routines or sleeping aids. A list of potential groups is available through Tinnitus UK.

Why Does Tinnitus Make it Hard to Sleep?

The nature of the unwanted sounds created by tinnitus means they originate from inside the ear rather than an external noise that can be muffled using earplugs. During the night, when there is little other noise, that internal ringing sensation becomes amplified since there aren’t any other sounds to use as a distraction.

Lack of sleep can make tinnitus harder to live with and lead to greater stress and anxiety, whereas insomnia and sleep deprivation can have multiple effects on our general health and well-being.

A study published by the National Library of Medicine found that people with more severe or long-term tinnitus experienced measurable insomnia, where 72.2% of the participants assessed their sleep quality as poor.

main experiencing tinnitus at night

Finding Help to Solve Tinnitus-Related Sleep Problems

As mentioned we always recommend making an appointment with your nearest audiology team to arrange a full assessment. We may suggest treatments that will completely stop tinnitus, along with more tailored recommendations based on the severity of your tinnitus and the underlying causes.

Many people find that microsuction earwax removal provides relief, as blockages and obstructions within the ear amplify the effects of the condition. This technique is gentle, safe and effective and is suitable for people with sensitive ears or inner ear issues that cause inflammation and soreness.

In other cases, we may review the suitability of your hearing aids or advise on the most appropriate hearing aids if you have hearing loss. Noise-induced tinnitus or progressive hearing loss alongside tinnitus can often be relieved by using high-quality hearing aids.

To learn more about improving your sleep, reducing the effects of tinnitus, or identifying the reasons your tinnitus is impacting your sleep patterns, please contact your local Regain Hearing practice at any time.

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