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Can I claim PIP for hearing loss and deafness? Government payment eligibility explained.

PUBLISHED: January 10, 2025
UPDATED: January 30, 2025
Lee Fletcher
Written by
Medically reviewed by
Lindsay Fletcher
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If your hearing loss leaves you struggling with specific tasks, you could be eligible for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) — whether you’re claiming other benefits, working or have savings. These are non-means tested benefits that you can claim if you have a disability or long term physical or mental health condition. 

At Regain Hearing, we often get asked if we know the PIP criteria and understand that carrying out a PIP application can be daunting. If you are confused about eligibility for PIP, we’ve outlined some of the basics you might need to know here in this handy guide. 

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What Is PIP?

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit payment made by the government to help people living with conditions that make life more challenging. The payment consists of two parts — a mobility part and a daily living part. You could be eligible for one or both of these, and there is a lower and higher rate of PIP payment. What you are awarded will be based on specific criteria and depend on how severely your condition affects you. 

The weekly rate for the daily living element of PIP is either £61.85 or £92.40 for the higher rate PIP payment. Additionally, you may be given a mobility PIP payment. The weekly rate for the mobility part is either £24.45 or £64.50 if you meet the PIP criteria for the higher rate. This amount is tax-free, and income or savings do not determine the amount you receive.

What Are the PIP Criteria to Make a Claim?

PIP is available if you need help managing everyday tasks related to eating, drinking, bathing and using the toilet, dressing or undressing and making decisions about your finances. You may also be eligible for mobility assistance even without a physical disability; this could include supporting navigating routes outside of the home or having difficulty getting around due to cognitive conditions like memory issues and anxiety.

The PIP assessment for the degree of difficulty you have carrying out daily tasks and with your mobility reviews:

  • If you can carry them out safely.
  • The length of time it takes you to complete the task.
  • How often does a medical condition or disability impact your ability to complete a task?
  • Whether you need help from other individuals or extra equipment.

Am I Eligible For PIP?

According to GOV.UK: 

  • You can get PIP whether you’re working or not.
  • To claim, you must be aged 16 or over and usually not have reached the State Pension age.

You must also have a physical or mental health condition or disability where you:

  • Have experienced difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for three months.
  • Expect these difficulties to continue for at least twelve months.

Usually, you must also have lived in England, Scotland or Wales for two of the last three years minimum and reside in one of these countries when applying.

causes of hearing loss

Is moderate hearing loss a disability uk?

The next sensible question to ask is – is hearing loss a disability in the UK?

In the UK, hearing loss can be considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010, depending on its severity and the impact it has on a person’s daily life. The Equality Act protects people with disabilities from discrimination in various areas, including employment, education, and access to goods and services.

Under this law, a person is considered to have a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities – common symptoms experienced by those with hearing loss.

For someone with hearing loss, if the condition lasts or is expected to last at least 12 months, and substantially affects their normal day-to-day activities, it could legally be considered a disability.

This means that people with significant hearing loss are entitled to certain protections and reasonable adjustments in the workplace, educational settings, and elsewhere to help them manage their condition effectively. We’re often asked questions related to this such as:

  • Is Tinnitus a disability? If an individual’s tinnitus is severe enough that it meets the criteria of having a substantial and long-term negative impact on their normal day-to-day activities, it could be considered a disability under the Equality Act. This means that individuals with disabling tinnitus are entitled to protection from discrimination and might be eligible for reasonable adjustments in the workplace or when accessing services to help manage their condition.
  • Is wearing a hearing aid a disability? The physical act of wearing a hearing aid isn’t a disability in itself, but the cause likely is. If a person’s hearing loss substantially impacts their daily life and the hearing loss is long-term (lasting or expected to last at least 12 months), then it could be considered a disability under the Equality Act.The key point here is that it’s the impact of the hearing loss on the individual’s daily life that may classify it as a disability, not the fact of wearing a hearing aid. The purpose of the hearing aid is to mitigate the effects of hearing loss, and many individuals who use hearing aids lead full and active lives.
  • Is single-sided deafness a disability? As above, the condition will need to be individually assessed. The impact of SSD varies widely among individuals. Some may experience significant challenges in localising sounds, understanding speech in noisy environments, and engaging in social situations, which could affect their daily activities and quality of life. If these challenges are significant and long-lasting, SSD would likely be recognised as a disability under UK law, affording legal protections and rights to the individual.

Can I Get High-Rate PIP for Hearing Loss?

Depending on how severely your hearing loss affects you, you may be eligible for high-rate PIP for hearing loss. You may also be eligible for PIP with mild to moderate hearing loss if you require hearing aids or other technology, such as assistive devices, to help you communicate. 

PIP criteria are all about how your disability impacts your life, so it is essential to mention how your hearing loss affects you as a separate point, even if it seems very minor. It is advisable to mention any applications you need to use, such as subtitles on the TV, in your application and assessment. 

How to Claim PIP

You can check eligibility for PIP online, and the fastest way to start a claim is to call the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). You can also request someone else do this on your behalf. Before making this call, check out the How To Claim PIP page on the GOV.UK site to find all the details you’ll need to have ready and available.

After this call, you will receive a “How Your Disability Affects You” form to fill in, and you need to send this back within one month. This could be followed by a face to face or video or telephone assessment with an independent medical professional if they feel they need more information from you. This is why we recommend putting as much detail and time into the form as possible to provide adequate insight into how your hearing loss affects your life. If you need assistance or are unsure about any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the PIP enquiry line.

Following this, you will receive a decision letter from the Department of Work and Pensions. This will notify you if your claim was successful and how much you will receive. You can dispute the decision if you are not satisfied with the outcome. 

For more information, go to the PIP guide on GOV.UK, or you can download a printable version.

Other Government benefits for the hearing impaired in the UK

In the UK, if you have a hearing impairment, you may be eligible for various government benefits and support schemes designed to help manage your condition and improve your quality of life. The availability of these benefits can depend on your specific circumstances, including the severity of your hearing loss and how it impacts your daily activities. Here are some of the main benefits and support mechanisms:

  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA): For children under 16 with hearing impairment, DLA may be available to help cover the extra costs of looking after a child who needs more care or supervision than a child of the same age who doesn’t have a disability.
  • Attendance Allowance: For individuals of State Pension age or older with hearing impairment, this benefit helps with extra costs if they have severe physical or mental disabilities and need someone to help look after them.
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA): For individuals who are unable to work due to a disability or health condition, including severe hearing impairment, ESA offers financial support and personalised help to get into work.
  • Access to Work: A scheme that provides practical and financial support to people with a disability or health condition to help them start work, stay in work, or move into self-employment or entrepreneurship. It can cover the cost of special equipment, adaptations, or support worker services to help with working.
  • Universal Credit: For those with hearing impairment who are on a low income or out of work, Universal Credit may offer financial support. The amount received can be affected by the individual’s capability for work, which is assessed considering their condition.
  • Council Tax Reduction: Individuals with hearing impairment may qualify for a reduction in their council tax. Some local authorities offer discounts for people with disabilities, including those who need extra space at home due to their condition.

Related Reading: Hearing Loss Disability Benefits: what else can you claim?

Frequently asked questions

At Regain Hearing Clinic, we’re often asked the following questions about PIP. Largely, the answers are very much the same: your condition will be assessed to make sure you meet the criteria for PIP under the Disability under the Equality Act 2010. Remember, if your hearing loss is ‘substantial’ or long-term’ and has a negative impact on your ability to do normal activities – it’s likely that you can claim PIP.

Can you get PIP for deafness – not just hearing loss?

Yes, individuals who are completely deaf can apply for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). In fact, it’s this group that is most impacted by hearing issues as expected. Remember, PIP eligibility is not based solely on the condition but on how the condition affects your daily life and your ability to participate in activities and of course, complete deafness very much affects this. The impact of your deafness on your daily living and mobility is assessed during the application process.

Can you get PIP for being partially deaf or deaf in one ear?

Yes, being partially deaf could qualify you for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if it impacts your daily activities and mobility. It very much depends on the severity and expected longevity of your condition. The degree to which your partial deafness affects your ability to complete daily tasks and interact with the world will be assessed to determine your eligibility.

Can I claim PIP if I wear hearing aids?

Yes, you may be able to claim PIP even if you wear hearing aids. The key factor in determining eligibility for PIP is how your hearing loss, with or without hearing aids, affects your ability to carry out daily tasks and live independently. Wearing hearing aids does not automatically disqualify you from receiving PIP.

Can I claim PIP for tinnitus?

Yes, it may be possible to claim PIP for tinnitus but only if it’s considered a long-term condition. The severity of hearing loss or the impact of tinnitus on daily life determines eligibility. Mild to moderate hearing loss may qualify if the individual requires hearing aids or other assistive devices for effective communication. It’s crucial to highlight specific challenges, such as the need for subtitles on TV, in the application and assessment process.

You can read more here: Is tinnitus a disability? 

The assessment for PIP will consider how your tinnitus affects your ability to carry out daily tasks and live independently, rather than the presence of tinnitus alone.

What per cent of hearing loss qualifies for disability in the UK?

In the UK, there isn’t a specific percentage of hearing loss that qualifies for disability status. Instead, eligibility under the Equality Act 2010 is determined by how significantly and long-term the hearing loss affects your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Assessments are based on the impact of your condition, not just the condition itself.

If your hearing loss is causing you to struggle, contact Regain Hearing today and take a step closer to solid hearing health. With a team of trained audiologists, we can provide hearing tests in your home or at our hearing clinics in London, Essex and Kent.

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